Titania's Ball Exhibition Coming Up on October 5th!

I am excited to announce that I will have a piece in "Titania's Ball Exhibition" by Era Contemporary Gallery along with artists Steven Assael (one of my professors at New York Academy of Art!), Kristy Gordon, Kerry Dunn, Teresa Oaxaca, and Lucas Bononi. The in person show will be on October 5, with works available for purchase online for three months.  Here is where you can find more details on how to attend or purchase art one the show begins.

The opening will be hosted at the 650 acre historical gardens of the Tyler Arboretum in Media, PA, a historical preserved garden sanctuary dating back to the time of William Penn. The exhibition will be held in their historic barn, safe from the elements but nestled beautifully among the wildlife.

Tyler Arboretum Barn


Out of the Fire Artwork by Megan Schaugaard

Out of the Fire by Megan Schaugaard, 24"x24", oil on canvas